Posts tagged:

  • Django on with Litestream/LiteFS

    I've been playing with a lot recently (see my series on deploying Wagtail to

    One of the neat things that has come out of Fly is a renewed interest across the dev world in SQLite - an embedded database that doesn't need any special servers or delicate configuration.

    Some part of this interest comes from the thought that if you had an SQLite database that sat right next to your application, in the same VM, with no network latency, that's probably going to be pretty quick and pretty easy to deploy.

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  • Deploying a Wagtail site to Part 1: The Plan

    I've been playing with quite a bit recently.

    Yes I'm drawn to the exciting tech, the fascinating blog posts, the attractive pricing and generous free tier (for now...), but more importantly, Fly are one of the few new breed 'PaaS' tools that realise what Heroku got right with its excellent developer experience, and are on a fast-track to replicating and eventually exceeding what Heroku offers.

    While Fly is quickly establishing itself as my go-to hosting platform for personal/hobby projects (even before the "sunsetting" of Heroku's free tier), Wagtail has been my go-to platform for almost all the sites I build for quite a while.

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  • Deploying a Wagtail site to Part 3: Dockerising & Requirements

    For Fly to know how to run our application, we need to package it up in a way that it understands. We need to tell it things like:

    • How to acquire all our project's dependencies
    • What application server to use and how to configure it
    • What files need to be made available to the platform

    Fly currently supports 3 ways of doing this; Dockerfiles, Buildpacks and Nixpacks. The latter two are a great way to get started if you're not familiar with Docker - they provide a pre-built way for the platform to build and run your application without the developer having to do much extra work.

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  • Deploying a Wagtail site to Part 4: Static & Media Files

    Our Wagtail app needs to serve two different 'categories' of files:

    • Static files - things that are in our codebase like CSS and JS and don't change unless we deploy a new version of the site.
    • Media files - images and documents uploaded by our site users and content editors.

    We'll use a couple of very useful Django packages to handle these.

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